Friday 27 October 2017

Boldy Go: IDIC part 1 preview

Out this week is issue thirteen of IDW's Boldly Go comic, which is the first issues in a new six-part mega-multiverse crossover story, IDIC.

The story, written by Mike Johnson, and illustrated by Josh Hood, is set to bring together several different alternate timelines. This first issue focuses primarily on a reality where Pike remains in command of the Enterprise, Spock (or Simon) plays up his Human side, and Kirk is a Klingon! All of which you can get a taste of in the preview below.

The book is available in four different covers. The A cover, featuring a fractured multi-reality Kirk, is by Tony Shasteen. The B cover, featuring a multitude of Uhuras comes from Tana Ford, with colour by Triona Farrell. One retail incentive cover is a photo of Jaylah, and another inspired by the Star Trek Beyond poster, is by Yoshi Yoshitani.

If that's not enough of a preview for you, issue artist Josh Hood has also posted a couple of pages (sans text) from later in the book:

You can continue reading this story by picking up a copy at your local comic book shop, or from online retailers like these:, Things From Another WorldForbidden Planet, iTunes.

You can find reading lists for several Star Trek comic series on my Trek Collective Lists site. To keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2017 schedule page.

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