Tuesday 26 August 2014

Comic bits: November releases, and other updates

It looks like a slim month for Star Trek comics in November. IDW's latest solicitations list just one new release, part five of the nuTrek/DS9 crossover The Q Gambit. Here's the solicitation (via Previews):

Star Trek (ongoing) #39: The Q Gambit #5

Written by Mike Johnson, with art and cover by Tony Shasteen. Also available in a subscriber variant photo-cover.
It's the penultimate chapter of the "The Q Gambit"! Captains Kirk and Sisko must work together to fight back against the forces of the Dominion! Meanwhile, Spock attempts to free the Enterprise and her crew from the clutches of the nefarious Dukat! And just what is Q planning for everyone involved? The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance in this all-new story produced in association with STAR TREK writer/producer Roberto Orci!

In other comics news, John Byrne has give some hints (on his forums) at future issues of his New Visions photo-comics series:
Finished the fifth issue, today. The stardate I used places it firmly within the third season. Hope I'm not making it TOO easy for the trolls!

On to 6, probably next week. Thinking about a swing in the other direction, there. A story set between the second pilot and the first episode. Just hope there are enough shots of Mark Piper! If nothing else, a chance to play with a "transitional" bridge, maybe.
Both of these issues should be showing up early in 2015. Which is also when we can expect the omnibus release of City on the Edge of Forever. Amazon now list a hardcover release for February next year. They give this short description:
For the first time ever, a visual presentation of the much-discussed, unrevised, unadulterated version of Harlan Ellison's award-winning Star Trek teleplay script, "The City on the Edge of Forever!" See the story as Mr. Ellison originally intended!

Work is still ongoing on that series, J.K. Woodward has recently posted several behind the scenes glimpses at his art from the series, on his Instagram. Check them out after the jump:

For details of all this years comics, and links to previous coverage, hit the "comics" button on the schedule page.

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