Sunday 30 June 2013

2014 Star Trek prose schedule starts to take shape

Amazon have added listings for several new Star Trek novels, which begin to reveal what we should expect in prose adventures next year. Simon and Schuster seem to be moving away from the blocks of books by era which have characterised the schedules for the past couple of years, with the first third of the year so far revealed being a mixture from across the Trekverse:
So far Amazon are only listing the kindle versions of each of these books, I expect paperback options will appear in due course. UPDATE: Amazon are listing kindle versions of each of these in most markets, while paperback options are only starting to appear in a few countries so far.

There is also some news and what will be an ebook only release: Michael A. Martin has recently mentioned he has written a new TOS novella, Seasons of Light and Darkness, set amongst the events of The Wrath of Khan. Martin was expecting this to be released in June or July this year, however Amazon has added listing for this one too, and they indicate it won't be coming until April next year. So it appears the new line of ebook novellas will continue to be annual treats for now, rather than anything more regular.


Unknown said...

Yay! Nice to see them mix it up a little. This year having to wait through all the TOS releases was a bit painful.

8of5 said...

Indeed, the start of this year has been frustrating! Even if next year has the same 50% TOS overall, it will be better having them broken up with other stuff.

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