Out this week is the fifth episode in Discovery's third season, Die Trying. As ever CBS have released a bunch of promo material to tease of what is to come, along side behind the scenes images from the previous images, a particular amusing entry in the social media crew logs, and a nice travel poster for Trill. Continue below to check out all that and more.
Here's the blurb and trailer for the new episode (trailer also up on StarTrek.com if you prefer):
After reuniting with what remains of Starfleet and the Federation, the U.S.S. Discovery and its crew must prove that a 930 year old crew and starship are exactly what this new future needs.
This week's preview images are fairly restrained, with aside the the reflection of a new starship in this first image are all pretty ordinary images of the regular cast. No hints of new characters or plots ahead of this episode!
As ever there is also a small clip from the new episode at the tail end of the latest episode of The Ready Room. This episode otherwise focuses on last week's Forget Me Not, including featurettes looking at filling the scenes in the Caves of Mak'ala on Trill, and another looking at the costume design early in the season. There's also the interview segment, this week featuring Anthony Rapp (Stamets) and Wilson Cruz (Culber). (You can also watch on StarTrek.com, YouTube, or Facebook is you prefer)
CBS have also released lots of behind the scenes photos for this episode, with many of course focusing on Adira and Grey, as played by Blu del Barrio and Ian Alexander, with many of the photos on set showing them working alongside director Hanelle M Culpepper, and a few shots of the cave set too.
There are also some really nice insights into the creation of the characters Adira and Grey in reports from Variety and Forbes; really up-lifting accounts of the production's efforts on representation, and the actor's personal experiences on and off set.
Speaking of Linus, the best of the Star Trek Logs so far comes from that character, in a sweet confession that he's quite besotted with Georgiou!
And that's not all, we got two logs this week, with Doctor Culber also reflecting on the Sphere data.
Alongside with previous seasons, the series can be found on CBS All Access(ad) in the US, and Bell Media services in Canada, and Netflix in almost all of the rest of the world (barring a few countries where Netflix doesn't work).

To keep track of all the latest Discovery news, have a look back through my Discovery tag, for previews, behind the scenes, tie-in fiction, and other merchandise updates.
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