Tuesday 19 July 2016

Star Trek colouring books

Dark Horse have recently announced a new line of adult colouring books, including titles based on various popular series, such as Serenity and Buffy, and of course, Star Trek.

In fact two Star Trek books are set for publication in November, a TOS one, and TNG one. Each book has forty-five square pages of artwork, by various artists. Here are the covers:

These latest releases are of course part of the recent craze for highly detailed colouring books aimed at the adult market. But this is far from Star Trek's first exploration of the medium, indeed there have been colouring books almost as long as there has been Star Trek - The Star Trek Comics Checklist has a good list of previous titles, and io9 once compiled an article looking at some of the more unusual images found within some of them.

1 comment:

mark bernero said...

I was hoping something like this would come out!

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