Saturday 18 August 2012

First details for On Board the USS Enterprise

A couple of months ago Amazon but up a listing for a new book by Mike Okuda, On Board the USS Enterprise. Now they have added a second listing for this book, which describes it as coming with a 3D CD-ROM. While the original listing is still claiming an October release, this new version suggests the book will be coming in March instead. It also gives us the first blurb for the book:
Star Trek fans--or Trekkies--have been collecting Star Trek souvenirs, artifacts, and memorabilia for many years, and they'll be thrilled with this brand-new book and CD-ROM package. Scheduled for publication in time to coincide with release of the latest Star Trek movie, as well as the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation's TV debut, this amazing book delights fans with--

-A spectacular double-page spread detailing the history of the starship Enterprise in words and vivid illustrations

-Spreads and gatefolds with 3D features illustrating the Enterprise from all angles, including a side-on cutaway image showing the craft's interior

-Views of the ship's bridge, showing the captain's chair, main consoles, and the functions that the consoles control

-Living quarters, including Captain Picard's suite, junior officers' quarters, and other locations that fans will immediately recognize

-Artifacts, floor plans, photos from the TV show . . . and much more

Enclosed with the book is a fabulous CD-ROM that gives viewers a detailed tour of the Enterprise . This remarkable software program was developed in close cooperation with the creators of the Star Trek sets that were used in the films and on the television series. On Board the U.S.S. Enterprise offers Trekkies a once-in-a-lifetime ticket to one of the most popular and beloved sci-fi adventures of all time.

With the specific reference to only Picard I presume this is just about the Enterprise-D, the new Amazon listing title also suggests this is a TNG book. I am therefore maintaining my hope that this might be the book form of the cancelled Build the USS Enterprise-D part work magazine.

While that magazine is in mind, one of the people that worked on it posted a sample to their flickr stream. Here's the deck 7 blueprint:

1 comment:

Dwight Williams said...

It would be good to see such artwork not go to waste.

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