Friday 20 January 2012

Star Trek Who Wants To Be A Millionaire has announced doublesix and Deep Silver will be releasing a Star Trek edition of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire for Play Station 3 and X-Box 360; based on the TV show and expanding their range of Millionaire games, which so far include music, movies, football, and South Park.

Taking place on the bridge of a classic Constitution class starship the game will feature six hundred questions based on Star Trek: The Original Series. Players can play as either a Human Cadet, an Orion Slave Girl, a Vulcan officer, or Uhura. The phone-a-friend lifeline puts you through to various TOS characters to help you answer your questions.


No details on the release date yet, but initially it will be available world wide Except for North America. Digital Spy report doublesix hope to release an expanded version for everywhere in the world at a later date.


Korrd said...

Out of all the Star Trek games we could ever want...we get this? Who wants to be a millionaire? Didn't that show get canceled a long time ago?

Korrd said...

Out of all the Star Trek games we could ever want...we get this? Who wants to be a millionaire? Didn't that show get canceled a long time ago?

Korrd said...

Accidental double post. Arg!

8of5 said...

I dunno, looks kind of fun to me. Shame it's TOS only though.

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