Wednesday 17 June 2009

Playmates, wave the second

TrekMovie have revealed the contents of Playmates second wave of toys for the new movie, coming later this summer. They are:

In the "galaxy collection" of small scale figures. This wave includes McCoy and Chekov in Enterprise uniforms, Kirk and Sulu in their space-jump gear, Kirk in cadet and off-duty uniforms, Spock as an Academy instructor, Ayel, Sarek, and Keenser, plus the Drakoulias. Here are most of those:

In the mid-scale "warp collection" will feature a rather similar range: McCoy and Chekov in Enterprise uniforms, instructor Spock, and Kirk in space gear and cadet uniforms, plus the two Delta Vega animals, Drakoulias and Hengrauggi (the same names the novelization uses, and scaled down again, but might be good in comparison to the galaxy figures):

In the largest scale "command" series we get Scotty and Uhura in Enterprise uniforms, plus Nero, and additionally Toys'r'us exclusive Sulu and Pike in Enterprise uniforms.

Finally there's a role-play item, the "interactive utility belt", which generates missions you have to use the included communicator and phaser to complete (fun!)

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