Sunday 8 May 2016

Manifest Destiny #2 preview

This week saw the release of the second issue in IDW's four-part biweekly nuTrek event miniseries, Manifest Destiny. The Klingon action continues in the issue, and series, written by Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott, and illustrated by Angel Hernandez.

This issue is available in three different covers. The main one is by Angel Hernandez, Tony Shasteen gives us the subscription cover, inspired by Bob Peak's Wrath of Khan poster, and then there's a retail incentive design by J.K. Woodward. Continue below to check them all out, plus a five page preview from the issue.

You can continue reading this issue by picking up a copy at your local comic book shop, or from online retails like these: Amazon.comThings From Another WorldiTunes. The omnibus book for the series is also available to pre-order already if you would prefer to wait to read it all at once.

For full listings of all the upcoming Star Trek comic releases, and links to my previous coverage, hit the comics button on my 2016 schedule page. You can also find further comics series reading lists on Trek Collective Lists.

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