Wednesday 23 July 2014

New non-fiction book series coming from Insight Editions

In the lead up to the fiftieth anniversary of Star Trek, Insight Editions will be producing a series of books celebrating different aspects of Trek. As report, that will start with a look at the costume design from across the franchise in Star Trek: Dressing the Final Frontier, which is set for publication in the autumn of 2015. Here's the blurb:
This deluxe book will showcase the unique costumes featured in the Star Trek franchise, from Mr. Spock’s staid Starfleet uniform to Uhura’s alluring mirror universe outfit. The book will feature a dazzling gallery of wardrobe designs, which explores the beautiful and innovative fashions that appeared in the various different versions of Star Trek, in both film and television, including the many different iterations of the iconic Starfleet uniforms, exquisitely designed alien garb, and much, much more. Every costume will be examined in intimate detail, tracing the design process from preproduction sketches to the stunning realization of the final outfit. Exclusive interviews with costume designers and experts will put the images into context. This unique visual treat will delight Star Trek fans and fashionistas alike.
Sounds interesting, and looking at Insight Editions other books, they seem to do a pretty good job at presenting richly illustrated volumes. also posted a sample spread: also announced the next books Insight Editions are planning follow this release: Star Trek Travel Guide: Vulcan and Star Trek: Travel Guide: The Klingon Empire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As long as the book is 98% William Ware Theiss (like, Andrea and that), I'll be there.

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