Sunday 18 December 2011

Project Cutaway: USS Enterprise

While trying to find box art for Revell's recently released TOS Enterprise and Klingon D7 model kits (see later in article) I came across something far more intriguing. This poster, displayed at a Germany modelling event in February:

A new Star Trek cutaway model? The TOS Enterprise has been done before by AMT, but that's still intriguing. Project Cutaway is a range of cutaway models from Dragon Models, which has just launched, and will include aircraft, real world spacecraft and even architectural monuments such as the Coliseum. You can see various examples on Dragon's website, including the first model in the range, a 747:

Looks quite cool to me, and also done differently the the previous AMT cutaway Enterprise. So I hope this is still coming some time.

I did also manage to find the box art I was originally looking for, though it is disappointingly unspectacular:


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