Wednesday 20 July 2011

Star Trek comics en Francais

Another foreign market has started to get their own editions of IDW Star Trek comics; since 2009 French publisher Delcourt began to trickle out Star Trek comics in France, with their fourth publication out a couple of months ago. Some of these books have "new" cover art, in that they use montages of different covers, sometimes even from other series. Here's what's been done so far:

La Tactique Romulienne
Published in October 2009 was John Byrne's Alien Spotlgiht: Romulans, this was Delcourts first and so far only single issue release, although it was actually released as a bonus extra with the DVD/bluray release of the 2009 Star Trek film.

Compte à Rebours
Also published in October 2009 came Delcout's version of tober 2009 Countdown.

Spock - Réflexions
In February 2010 came the French edition of IDW's 2009 series Spock: Reflections. The cover featured a montage of images by David A. Williams from retail incentive covers of the second and third issues of Spock: Reflections, plus the Enterprise-E by David Messina from interior pages of Countdown #2 and/or #4.

Leonard McCoy
Finally this April brought Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor, John Byrne's 2010 series. The cover is a montage, using Joe Corroney's images of Kirk and McCoy from the cover of Burden of Knowledge #4.

For less recent French comics make your way over to my other blog, the 8of5 Archive, where I have compiled a history of French Star Trek comics from the 60s right up to these new ones.

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