The timeline has continued into 2387, and for the most part is a re-telling, and expansion, of the events of the Countdown miniseries, with a greater emphasis on general astro-political landscape around the comic series, notably making certain to save most of the major Romulan characters featured in the timeline so far. Read the whole update, here.

In how far is this timeline considered "canon" - i. e. in how far do the stories of the books & comics tie in (now, I realize that the ST Online timeline is probably more canon than the events told in books and comics.... :)
There is nothing that is more or less canon; If it's on TV or a film it's canon, if it's anything else (novel, comic, game, etc) it is not. It's as simple as that.
Unless CBS decide that Star Trek Online is such a big deal and/or hit that they need to reconsider that policy, the game and related web-info is no more or less canon than the alternate continuity presented in the novelverse.
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