an interview with Unreality SF William Leisner has discussed what his forthcoming
TNG novel,
Losing the Peace, is about: "
Losing the Peace picks up almost immediately after the conclusion of the Destiny trilogy, as the Federation starts to take stock of just how much damage has been wrought by the Borg invasion, and realises that even though the Borg are gone, they can't simply declare victory; there are still huge repercussions that need to be dealt with”. “There are a number of plotlines running through the book, mostly looking at the personal impact the Borg invasion had on the members of the Enterprise crew. We have Captain Picard, who after fifteen years of living with his residual link to the Borg, is finally completely free, and who is finally ready to fully embrace this bright new stage in his life as a husband and father. On the other end of the spectrum, we have Jasminder Choudhury, a woman characterised by her sense of inner peace and her outward serenity, who has just lost her entire family and her entire homeworld of Deneva, struggling with her belief system to make sense of such a senseless tragedy. Beverly Crusher also gets a major storyline as she takes a special assignment to investigate a refugee camp that's starting to overwhelm its guest world, and we also get a closer examination of the personal tragedy that had most shaped her life: the death of her first husband, Jack.”
Leisner talks more about
Losing the Peace, other
Trek work, and his writing in general in the interview, with you can read,
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