Tuesday 8 April 2008

Assignment Earth #1 preview

Comic Book Resources have posted a preview of the first issue of John Byrne's Assignment: Earth miniseries. In addition to a five page preview they show off the finalised cover for the issue, and the inside of the cover with a neat opening title monologue - very in-fitting with the TV-series-that-never-was angle IDW are apparently going for:

His code name is Gary Seven. On the world where he was raised, he is known as Supervisor 194. Where that world is, only the inhabitants know - but for thousands of years these inhabitants have been taking people from Earth and training them, preparing them for a desperate mission: to save the people of Earth from their own foolish and warlike nature.

Assisting Gary Seven in his assignment on Earth are Roberta Lincoln, Earth-born, twenty-something, sometimes flighty, sometimes erratic, but with a keen mind and a high IQ; and the Beta Five computer, capable of analytical decisions and not at all shy about informing Supervisor 194 of what it views on his shortcomings.

Oh, yes - and Isis.

The pages also reveal the title for the first issue "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns". Here's one page:

The inside cover also reveals IDW are apparently sticking with the smaller cover gallery format introduced in their first Second Stage title (Turnaround, Part I), and going for less covers, just two for this issue; the same artwork with or without cover text.

Check out CBR's article for the rest of the preview.

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