Monday 26 October 2020

IDW's Star Trek comics for January, and Eaglemoss' latest Graphic Novel Collection books

IDW have released their solicitations for January, which include two new Star Trek comics, both continuing current runs. Continue below for all the details of those, plus what sadly looks to be the last batch of title announcements from Eaglemoss' Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection.

Year Five(ad) #19 will be part two of the medical story On the Death of a Friend. The creative team continues from the previous issue, with the book written by Jim McCann, and art by Angel Hernandez. Here's the blurb:

A pandemic raging across Alpha Centauri. A powerful enemy aboard the Enterprise. With death lurking around every corner, the crew will face down one of their greatest challenges yet in the shocking conclusion to this episode from Eisner-winning writer Jim McCann (Return of the Dapper Men) and superstar artist Angel Hernandez (Star Trek: Picard)!

This issue will be available in the usual two covers. Either the main cover by Stephen Thompson, with a rather scary appearance by Isis. Or there's the retail incentive by J.J. Lendl, their latest travel poster, with a bit of a twist this time. 

Also on the way in January is the third issue in the Voyager miniseries Seven's Reckoning(ad). This series is written by Dave Baker, with art by Angel Hernandez. Here's the blurb:

What has gone from a long simmering conflict has exploded into all-out war. Seven of Nine has chosen her side, but even with her help, victory is not assured, and what will it mean for her place in the crew of Voyager when the dust finally settles? An all-new adventure set during Voyager’s amazing fourth season from writer Dave Baker (Action Hospital, F*ck Off Squad, Star Trek: Waypoint) and artist Angel Hernandez (Star Trek: Picard Countdown, Star Trek/Green Lantern).

This book is offered in three covers. The A cover featuring Seven is by Angel Hernandez. There's a photo B-cover featuring Chakotay. And the rarer option is the latest of Jeffrey Veregge's retail incentive for the series, which seems to be a playful cross-section through the ship's decks this time - You can see the artwork for that last one, without titles, on the artist's Twitter.

Also newly announced are the latest batch of four issues in Eaglemoss's Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection(ad). Alas hopes to see one more extension to the series to allow it form a complete collection of Star Trek comics reprints seem to have fallen short, so this is probably the last update. But they got ever so close, with just some DC Comics titles missing from older comics, a fair chunk of IDW's content not included, and some of the more esoteric stuff like The Trek Life comic strips and photonovels. As has been the case throughout the last few batches of books, this last few also give us a really interesting assortment of extra content, bring to life several lost comics. Here's what's coming:

#137: Between Love and Hate
This book mops up the last of the 90s Marvel comics, including:
  • Starfleet Academy #17-19 - The final issues of the DS9 spin-off. Written by Chris Cooper, with art by Chris Renaud and Andy Lanning.
  • Telepathy War: Reality's End - The one-shot final chapter of the Telepathy War crossover, which played out across several of Marvels titles (all previously collected in other volumes). Written by Chris Cooper, with art by Patrick Zircher and Steve Moncuse.
  • Fragile Glass - A TOS one-shot, and sequel to the mirror universe episode Mirror, Mirror. Written by Tom DeFalco, with art by Mark Bagley and Larry Mahlstedt.
Excitingly this will also include Chris Cooper's outlines for another ten issues of the Starfleet Academy series (which like much of Marvel's Star Trek content was abruptly cancelled).

#138: So Near the Touch
This volume collects several issues from DC Comics second TOS series:
  • Issues 17-21. Written by Howard Weinstein and Peter David, with art by Ken Hooper, Bob Dvorak, Gordon Purcell, and Arne Starr.
  • Annual #1. Writtern by George Takei and Peter David, with art by Gray Morrow.
This book also includes an assortment of extra content detailing unpublished comics. That includes the script for Return of the Wolf, a sequel to the episode Wolf in the Fold, written by Andy Mangels. And also from Mangels, with co-author Michael Martin, and editor Timothy Tuohy information about Marvel's Star Trek: Phase 3, and an unpublished Star Trek: Unlimited story, Reaping the Whirlwind.

#139: Mission: Muddled
Another collection of DC Comics titles from their second TOS series.
  • Issues  22-26 - Which include a three-part Harry Mudd story, and the first two issues in another story arc; oddly, thanks to an editorial hiccup earlier in this series, the concluding issues of the latter story have already been reprinted way back in volume 64! All these issues collected in this volume were written by Howard Weinstein, with art by Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr.
  • Annual #2 - A Starfleet Academy tale by writer Peter David, and artists James W. Fry, Curt Swan, and Arne Starr.
This book also includes more information on unpublished books, this time from writer Steven H. Wilson, including details of Captain Sulu Adventures and Star Trek: Resolution.

#140: All Good Things...
A good title to wrap up the series, although maybe not the most exciting content, as this book offers up two TNG comic book adaptations from DC Comics:
  • All Good Things..., written by Michael Jan Friedman, with art by Jay Scott Pike and Jose Marzan Jr.
  • Generations, written by Michael Jan Friedman, with art by Gordon Purcell, Jerome Moore, and Terry Pallot.
This book also includes some extra content, with details of a wide range of books by Andy Mangels and Michael Martin, including Star Trek: Realities/Split Infinities - Dark Emissary, Star Trek: The Romulan Imperative, Star Trek: Voyager - Confessions, and details of many unused Deep Space Nine plots. 

The book will also include an index for the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection

It is still possible to subscribe to the series(ad), or you can pick up the odd individual issue(ad) of interest. Either way, maybe one last wave of interest could yet bring us this few extra issues needed to wrap everything, so please do support it!

To keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2020 or 2021 schedule page. You can also find reading lists for several Star Trek comic series on my Trek Collective Lists site.

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