Thursday 12 June 2014

Lost Apollo part 2 preview

Out this week is the thirty-fourth issue of the nuTrek ongoing comic series, the second, and final, part of the latest two-part story, Lost Apollo. After another short flashback to the 20th century, the story picks up from the cliffhanger of part one. I imagine you can make a pretty good guess at where the story is going, but IDW apparently don't want to give too much away, as they've released a slightly shorter than usual preview this time. The five pages from the start of the issue continue after the jump:

You can continue the story in the full issue available now at comic book shops, and indeed these online retailers:, Things From Another WorldForbidden Planet, iTunes.

The full Lost Apollo story, along with the two previous two-parters, Parallel Lives, and I, Enterprise, will also be released in the eighth omnibus book for the ongoing series, which is due out in September. Meanwhile the ongoing series will continue next month with the start of a six-part crossover story, The Q Gambit, featuring Q, DS9, and who knows what else.

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