Friday 21 June 2019

Latest Star Trek props from Icon Heroes and Factory Entertainment

Ahead of the San Diego Comic Con, Icon Heroes and Factory Entertainment have both revealed new Comic Con exclusive Discovery prop reproductions, and Factory Entertainment have also launched their TOS range of props. Continue below to check them out:

From Icon Heroes, we have Emperor Georgiou's Terran Empire dagger, as a letter opener! The seven inch long metal replica of the prop will stand ready to assist with all your mail needs. This follows a similar Klingon D'k Tahg letter opener previously released by Icon Heroes.

This will be offered at the San Diego Comic Con alongside the smaller scale Discovery phaser from Factory Entertainment (although both are available to order online too). This will be a gold edition, rather than the regular one they previewed earlier in the year, so maybe a normal edition might come some time too? This is the first in Factory Entertainment's Kuzos range of metal prop miniatures.

Other Star Trek Kuzos on the way are all TOS inspired, with series one, which was recently solicited (giving us new images) including a Horta, captain's chair, and nomad. These are expected to arrive in January next year.

To keep up with all the latest Star Trek stuff check listings on my 2019 schedule page.

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