Tuesday 5 December 2017

First Discovery soundtrack on the way

CBS have announced the first soundtrack release from Star Trek: Discovery is imminent. Available digitally from the 15th of December will be Season 1, Chapter 1, comprising Jeff Russo's music from the episodes we have so far seen, and implying a second soundtrack will come later to fill in the rest of the season.

The Chapter 1 release will also be made available on both CD and vinyl in early 2018, published by Lakeshore Records - Who seem to be in the good habit of producing very attractive looking physical media, so that should be something to look forward to. Continue below to check out the cover and track list.

1. "Main Title (Aired Version)"
2. "We Come in Peace"
3. "First Officer's Log"
4. "I'll Go"
5. "The Day is Saved"
6. "Torchbearer"
7. "PTSD"
8. "Persistence"
9. "Stranded"
10. "What Did You Mean by That?"
11. "I Can't Dance"
12. "Captain Mudd"
13. "Stella"
14. "Facing Off"
15. "Undetermined"
16. "Watch the Stars Fall"
17. "Weakened Shields"
18. "What's Happening?"
19. "Personal Log"
20. "The Charge of Mutiny"
21. "Main Title (Extended)"
The announcement also includes a little quote from Russo on his inspiration for the music:
The producers and I talked a lot about telling this story from an emotional point of view. Relationships play a big role in this incarnation of the series, so trying to be true to that and create themes that connect characters is important.
Meanwhile over on Twitter, Russo has posted a couple of teasing photos from his recent recording sessions for the rest of the season:

For an overview of everything Discovery, including all the tie-in products, visit my Star Trek: Discovery guide page.

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