Tuesday 5 June 2012

IDW's own Destiny?

IDW's Borg Alien Spotlight
Comics Continuum have posted a short interview with Joe Corroney in which he talks about a new TNG comic series he is working on. He says the following:
I'm working on a new Star Trek: The Next Generation series for IDW Publishing. I think it's just been announced; It's a new series that features the TNG crew against the Borg, it's the return of the Borg. It's a sort of finale for The Next Generation in a way; it's sort of a sequel to the last Next Generation movie (which was Nemesis), so we're going to see that crew a few years down the road, with the return of the Borg.
Sounds, from that brief description, very much like Destiny. Are IDW doing their own version of the end of the Borg? Or even a comic book adaptation of Destiny?? I doubt we'll find out very soon, as the TNG crew are already busy battling the Borg in comics in the Doctor Who crossover Assimilation2, which doesn't finish until December. A new Borgy post-Nemesis comic though, sounds exciting whatever it is!


VorpalK said...

If it's anything, I hope it's an adaptation of Destiny (though I haven't read the books, I'm aware of the overall plot).

Nothing is worse in fandom than splitting canon.

Sean Tourangeau said...

I hope he takes me up on the offer to help with Titan related stuff.

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