Tuesday 17 April 2018

New Starships Collection bonus issues revealed

Eaglemoss, via their Hero Collector blog, have announced no less than six new bonus issues coming to The Official Starships Collection. Sighting the success of the release of USS Titan and USS Aventine (good work team!), Eaglemoss have committed to a wide-ranging series of further obscure ships, which come from a variety of sources, including non-canon origins, concept art, and variants. They expect the six new ships to arrive over this year and 2019. Continue below to check them out:

Perhaps the least surprising and one of the most requested ships (at least as far as I've seen), is the USS Enterprise-F. The design was created for the video game Star Trek Online, following a competition to bring the design to life, which was won by Adam Ilhe. As one of the most prominent non-canon designs, it seemed almost inevitable we'd get this one eventually after the Titan and Aventine were released.

In contrast, the most surprising of the announcements is the Bonaventure class NCC-1000 - This is not the ship of the same name from The Animated Series, but instead a design that originates from the 2006 Ships of the Line calendar, created by an artist called Meni. It's a cool design bridging the NX and Constitution classes, but a surprising selection when there are rather more prominent non-canon designs that haven't made it into this wave of releases.

Continuing the concept art collection, we get Rick Sternbach's earlier take on the USS Voyager, which is rather more angular than the curvaceous ship we ended up with:

And another Voyager concept will be a seperate release, Doug Drexler's USS Altair, which started out as a Voyager proposal, and was later also proposed for the Enterprise NX-01 and USS Enterprise-J (you can see how it got some life in it's influence on the J design). Eventually Doug developed it into a ship in it's own right, which has featured in the Ships of the Line calendar several times.

From on-screen Trek the long rumoured assimilated USS Voyager variant has been confirmed, and is a variant I can totally get behind because it looks cool!

And finally we have a landing position Klingon Bird of Prey, completing the wing position collection alongside the flight and attack mode versions of the same ship released as regular issues of the series.

For a listing of all the ships in the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page for the main series, and list for the Discovery series.


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