Friday 31 March 2017

Harry Mudd to return in Discovery

CBS have announced an exciting bit of casting for Star Trek: Discovery: Rainn Wilson will be joining the show as the notorious Harcourt "Harry" Fenton Mudd. The conman and criminal appeared in two episodes of The Original Series, Mudd's Women, and I, Mudd, plus the Animated Series episode Mudd's Passion, and as a significant recurring character in TOS has also appeared in many novels and comics since. Hopefully the new episode(s?) featuring him will carry on the tradition of being named in his honour!

Rain Wilson is of course best known as Dwight Schrute from The Office, and has also appeared in Galaxy Quest, Six Feet Under, Backstorm, and many other TV and film roles.

In other casting news, a welcome female addition to the cast has been discovered by The TeleVixon, who recently interviewed Wendy Crewson, revealing she has been cast as a recurring Starfleet admiral role in the series. Crewson described the show as having a "female strong cast" which is a hopeful sign among a still very male dominated line-up so far announced. Crewson has a huge number of TV and film roles behind her, including parts in Saving Hope, Revenge, 24, and many more.

Star Trek: Discovery is due to start some time this year, it will be distributed almost everywhere in the world on Netflix, except for the US where is will be available on CBS All Access, and Canada where it will be on Bell Media channels and services. To keep track of all the latest details from the new show, visit my Star Trek: Discovery guide page.

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