Sunday 10 October 2021

Discovery season four trailer hints at missions to come and returning aliens

As part of the New York Comic Con this weekend a new trailer for season four of Discovery was released. Check out below (with screencap breakdown), and other Disco updates. 

I've embedded the Twitter version here, which seems to be viewable in the UK (and so I hope other non-US parts of the world, which are alas geolocked out of some other hosting platforms), but if you have an issues, check it out on

Alongside the trailer release there's also new key art, suggesting Burnham's new captaincy will be a major element in the season's narrative:

Now for a closer look at some of what flashed up in that trailer. The mysterious gravitation anomaly is the driver of the season arc, and we got some glimpses of it:

Perhaps the threat was best demonstrated holographically though, with entire worlds being shown destroyed, in a Starfleet briefing:

The briefing includes some interesting aliens, most notably a new look Ferengi Starfleet captain:

Among the crowd is a character we've seen in a previous trailer, now confirmed to be Federation President Rillak, a being of Cardassian, Bajoran, and Human heritage, who evidently isn't entirely at ease with how Michael Burnham operates. The trailer seems to suggest Burnham will as ever not be doing quite as she's been told!

The president and Burnham are also present at what seems to be Ni'Var (aka Vulcan) re-joining the Federation. Giving Burnham and Saru a chance to show off their snazzy new dress uniforms:

Burnham also sports a leather jacket type alternate uniform in other shots:

Another Burnham moment that flashes up in the trailer a couple of times shows her in an unusually lit blank space in a chair that's not the normal captain's chair while on a difficult journey. Cool shot of her hair in action too!

Some of the crew's missions for the season were hinted at, including what looks like a return to Book's planet Kwejian: 

A visit to Saru on Kaminar:

Tilly leading an away mission with Adira on a cold planet (featuring another, hooded, uniform variant):

And Tilly and Burnham both on an adventure aboard Book's ship with the Qowat Milat. This appears to be the location of an attack by some other sword wielding types, who also appear on an alien world, and attacking Starfleet crew:

Here are a smattering of other moments of drama, including an upset Book, a curious dead alien (maybe from the world seen above), someone shouting at Saru, explosions, space suits, Gray, and more!

And of course there were lots of shots of our heroes, giving us a chance to check our their latest looks and bold new uniforms:

The season only finished shooting in late August, as celebrated by showrunner Michelle Paradise who shared this photo of the bridge set at the time, on Twitter. Note the cute DOT cutout:

Discovery season 4 will return to all the usual streaming hosts in November: Paramount+(ad) in the US, Bell Media services in Canada, and Netflix and most of the rest of the world.

To keep track of all the latest Trek Discovery updates, check back through my Discovery tag, and for Trek-TV news in general my TV tag

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