Saturday 23 September 2017

The Trek Collective is back in action!

As a certain song goes: "It's been a long time..."

Last year I decided to have a few days break from the Trek-sphere, and with the busy busy life I've been living lately, that accidentally became a whole year!

I've been clamouring to get back in the game ever since, but struggled to get back up to date with all the Trek goings on - Star Trek has also had a rather busy year!

But, now I have, and here I am. Normal service from 8of5 of The Trek Collective resumes today. As ever you did before you'll find here all the latest news on every aspect of Trek, with particular love for all the tie-in fiction, model ships, and other Star Trek things!

It's going to take me a little while to get all my schedule and resource pages back up to date, so please bare with me on those. But regular news posting starts now. I also intend to back fill all the news I miss, as much so I'm back in touch with it all as anything; so look out for all those back-dated posts too!

I switched off all my 8of5 communications channels when I took my break, but I see I've had a LOT of messages of concern and requests for updates. Sorry for leaving you all in limbo, and thank you for caring! I'll try and send replies to all those who contacted me individually in due course, but I am really grateful and moved that so many people cared!

Now, I've got some posts to write!


  1. Glad you are ok. Glad you're back :)

  2. Welcome back! Definitely missed you, looking forward to more updates!

  3. Very good to have you back!

  4. Glad to see you back!

    Really, though, you ought to have said *something.* When people drop off the face of the Internet like that, it's usually because they're dead.

  5. Welcome back! Very timely as my Star Trek starships USS TITAN just arrived. Thanks for starting that petition.

  6. Welcome back, you were missed! Looking forward to your postings.

  7. So happy that you’re back! Thanks so so much to you for starting the petitions, so now I can hold the Titan in my hands, and soon the Aventine as well!

  8. Welcome back! Was worried about you, but glad to see you're doing well and back at it! :)

  9. Glad to see you back !!! especially for Star trek Discovery

  10. Really happy to see you back in action.

  11. So glad you're back! I never deleted the link...kept hoping.
