Friday 21 August 2015

IDW's November Star Trek comics

IDW have released their solicitations for November, which include three new Star Trek comics, plus a new omnibus book. Continue below to check them all out:

Star Trek (nuTrek ongoing) #51
Written by Mike Johnson, with art by Tony Shasteen.
The Mirror Universe epic continues here as the evil counterparts of the Enterprise crew gain the upper hand! Captain Kirk finds himself allied with the mysterious man known only as Singh, while Spock comes face to face with his deceased mother... now alive and well in the Mirror Universe! Don't miss this all-new original STAR TREK adventure!
There will be two covers for this issue, the Tony Shasteen A cover (pictured), and a subscription variant cover by Lorelei Bunjes (which hasn't been released yet):

Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #5
Written by Mike Johnson, with art by Angel Hernandez.
The galactic civil war reaches a critical point as the Yellow Lantern Klingons, Orange Lantern Romulans, and Red Lantern Gorn fight for supremacy, with Hal Jordan, James T. Kirk, and the crew of the Enterprise caught in the middle! It's a dark night for the Federation... and the arrival of Nekron and his Black Lanterns will only make things worse! Don't miss the penultimate chapter in the blockbuster crossover event of 2015!
There will be three covers for this, the A cover by David Williams, a variant by Tess Fowler, and the subscription cover by Garry Brown. Two of the three have so far been previewed, both featuring zombie-Vulcans!

New Visions #9: The Hollow Man
Written and photo-manipulated by John Byrne.
A mysterious message draws Mr. Spock on a solo mission to a distant part of the Federation, where an old friend awaits, as well as a menace with the potential to threaten the entire galaxy.

Star Trek: The New Adventures, Volume 2
Written by Mike Johnson, F. Leonard Johnson, and Ryan Parrott. With art by Stephen Molnar, Erfan Fajar, Hendri Prasetyo, Miralti Firmansyah, and Claudia Balboni. Cover by Paul Shipper.
The New Adventures of the Starship Enterprise continue with stories focusing on the new crew in the new timeline that take place between the first and second movies, plus the story "After Darkness," which picks up where Star Trek Into Darkness leaves off, all with creative collaboration with writer/producer Roberto Orci! Collects issues #13–24 of the ongoing Star Trek series.

For full listings of all the upcoming Star Trek comic releases, and links to my previous coverage, hit the comics button on my 2015 schedule page. You can also find further comics series lists on Trek Collective Lists.

Find Star Trek comics, toys, statues, and collectibles at!

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