Sunday 12 July 2015

Moebius Kirk and Spock action figures

At the San Diego Comic Con Moebius Models had on display what they promise to be the first in a series of new TOS action figures. The first two, as ever, are Kirk and Spock, featuring poseable bodies, fabric uniforms, an assortment of alternate hands, and props. Action Figure Fury were good enough to get some good photos of these at the Moebius booth (more after the jump):

According to the display these first two should be available in the fourth quarter of this year, while a Where No Man Has Gone Before variant of Kirk, complete with a phaser riffle, will be coming in 2016 (a 50th anniversary release of course).


  1. These look great, but it seems like they put a ton of effort into the faces and they look quite real, but not like Shatner or Nimoy, more like actors hired to play Shatner and Nimoy. I would rather pay Hot Toys prices and get a real face sculpt than say "Well I guess these will do." and get it for cheaper. Original Series fans and TNG fans are at an age where they can afford Hot Toys quality, I'm not willing to settle for less. I would buy these in a heartbeat if they actually captured the actor's likenesses.

  2. Does anyone have any idea how much the prices on these bad boys will be? Also other than Kirk, Spock and McCoy, will there be any other figures coming out?
