Sunday 15 July 2012

More Trek busts from Titan Merchandise

Titan Merchandise have announced three new busts in their Star Trek Masterpiece Collection at the Comic Con. have posted images of these latest additions: Uhura, Soctty, and Worf:


The first six busts in the series, which were initially expected to start appearing back in February, still don't appear to be out yet; with ever shifting and inconsistent release dates available depending which retailer you ask. They're all available for pre-order though:

Kirk: Entertainment Earth, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.
Picard: Entertainment Earth, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.
Khan: Entertainment Earth, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.
Data: Entertainment Earth, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.
Spock: Entertainment Earth, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.
McCoy: Entertainment Earth, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.

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