Sunday 23 May 2021

Latest Star Trek Shipyards book previews gives us new views of new Discovery and Picard ships, plus other reference book previews

Eaglemoss' publishers Penguin Random House have released another set of previews for forthcoming Star Trek reference books, including the latest from the Designing Starships and Celebration series. Continue below to check out those, but first enjoy some really cool preview pages from the forthcoming "updated and expanded" edition of the Star Trek Shipyards: Starfleet Ships 2294 - the Future(ad) book, from the series of starship guides.

An update to this book has been prompted thanks to the numerous new ships introduced in Discovery, Picard, and Lower Decks, almost all of which are now included here. The new preview pages give us some of the first really good looks at these new designs, including the 32nd century Constitution class USS Armstrong, and the Wallenberg class below:

This size chart page meanwhile includes the USS Vancouver from Lower Decks, revealing it to be surprisingly big:

The contents page gives the full run-down, which of course includes all the 24th century and beyond ships from the previous version of this book, plus the missing Akira class. New additions include the USS Titan, USS Cerritos, and USS Vancouver from Lower Decks (alas the various minor background ships from the series are not included); the Wallenberg class, and several versions of the Inquiry class from Picard; and numerous ships from Discovery's 32nd century fleet, among them several new names: USS Discovery-A, USS Armstrong, USS Thant, USS Maathai, USS Voyager-J, USS Liu Cixin, USS Dresselhaus, USS Curie, USS Jubayr, USS Nog, USS Annan, and USS Tikhov. 

Getting a good look at all these new ships long before Eaglemoss get round to making models of them in the Star Trek Universe collection(ad) will make this an exciting book to pick up - Hopefully the big fleet splash pages have been updated with the new ships too, so we can see them mixed in with the more familiar Starfleet ships.

Aside from the updated forward section, other preview pages from the book are the same as the first edition, but for those not familiar, here's a look at how the book is presented from those previews. The book is due out in August.

Penguin Random House have also released new preview pages from Designing Starships: Deep Space 9 and Beyond(ad), the DS9 focused starship concept art book, which is also expected in August. 

The contents page is included, giving a nice overview of what to expect. Deep Space 9 itself gets an impressive 20 pages of content! Also featured are the runabouts and the Defiant, and numerous ships of the Bajorans, Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, and Klingons. The "beyond" section has lots of Vulcan ships, and quite a few other 22nd century designs.

These new pages are just from the start of the book, but you can get a wider sample from another release of preview pages I posted about just yesterday!

Finally, new pages have been shared from the Star Trek: A Celebration(ad) book too, taking us behind the scenes on Star Trek: The Original Series. This book is due in September.

Once again the contents page gives us an idea of what to expect, with a focus on the cast, both the series regulars and many guest stars, consuming much of the page count. These segments are broken up with various sections on props, key episodes, and specific behind the scenes explorations.

Again these new pages are from the start of the book, and you can find a wider sample from my earlier report.

Support The Trek Collective, via order links for mentioned books:
Star Trek: A Celebration
Star Trek Designing Starships: Deep Space Nine and Beyond
Star Trek Shipyards: Starfleet Ships 2294 - the Future

To keep track of all the latest book releases, hit the books button on my 2021 schedule page. For further coverage, you can also look back through my books and non-fiction tags.


  1. Great Pics and infos. Thank you for sharing. Not shure what's happend to the Prometheus in the size chart page. Maybe washed too hot :-)

  2. Mildly surprised that la Sirena isn't included with the Small Transports chapter.
